Is Hypnosis magic, witchcraft or mentalism?

Is hypnosis magic, witchcraft or mentalism?

One of the misconceptions that many people have when they come to my office is that I, the hypnotist, will snap my fingers, and they will go into a deep sleep, not noticing anything else and one hour later at the end of the session all their problem will be gone.

This misconception is based on what they see on TV shows or movies where the hypnotist seems to have power and control over the participants. The participant quickly go into trance and they do everything the hypnotist asks of them to do.

In stage hypnosis the hypnotist asks for volunteers then he or she does suggestibility tests, and choose those volunteers who are best at visualizing or concentrating. As I have said many times being able to go into hypnosis has to do a lot with your ability to concentrate, visualize and follow suggestions.

That idea that ignorant, gullible people or people with a weak mind, or low IQ or intelligence are the only ones easy to hypnotize is totally false.

Hipnosis implies concentration, imagination, visualization, therefore the smarter you are the better.

If you see a complete video of stage hypnosis you will find several things in common.

– People move, have their eyes open, they laugh. Sometimes they stand still while waiting for the next suggestion from the hypnotist.
– The hypnotist begins by hypnotizing those who he or she believes can enter more easily into hypnosis.
– The hypnotist takes the volunteers into and out of hypnosis many times so volunteers enter into hypnosis faster and easily.
– The hypnotized volunteers are aware, not asleep, and hear everything that is being said about them and that’s why a good hypnotist is always asking people to applaud the volunteers, because they hear, feel better and that motivates them more.
– At the end of the session the hypnotist mentions that all funny suggestions will disappear and often ends the show with motivation for volunteers.

When a client visits my office, we do suggestibility tests to determine the best method to use and which will be of most benefit to the client.

I always explain that hypnosis is not about mind control, having the mind empty, magic and that I’m actually only a guide, a coach. Some people enter into hypnosis very easily, others need more time, but the person never sleeps, he or she is always listening and can at any time reject my suggestions if for some reason they go against their moral principles.

For example I have had clients that after a couple of tests and teaching their subconscious that the sound of a snap of my fingers is the signal to enter hypnosis. I just snap my fingers and they go very easily into hypnosis, but that’s not magic or mind control is simple that they have learned that snapping my fingers is the signal to go into hypnosis.  They are usually very intelligent people, good visualizers and people who can concentrate very easily.

On the other hand I have clients that need more time to learn how to enter hypnosis.  They are usually very analytical or sometimes people who are afraid of losing control. In my practice of Professional Hypnosis I have found that when I visit families and do initial testing with several family members, people go more easily in hypnosis … because they feel more confident and secure with the family around.

Similarly when clients understand that it is false that only the ignorant, easily deceived and foolish people can be hypnotized, that understanding helps them because they realize that hypnosis is not about control but about focusing and concentration and therefore the more intelligent the better. It is rather the ability to visualize, feel, concentrate and focus.

Some problems can be solved in one hypnosis session, others take longer and sometimes hypnosis does not work. Hypnosis, like any other technique, is not 100% effective. Sometimes requires the client to practice at home and follow the advice and instructions that are given.

Hypnosis is not magic. Hypnosis is not witchcraft. Hypnosis is not mentalism. Hypnosis is a technique that use concentration, focusing, imagination, visualization, emotion to help you access your subconscious more easily and make changes that would otherwise be more difficult or take more time.

And as I have written in other articles, entering the subconscious it is something we do, without realizing it, many times during the day, so it is not something unusual. The difference when you use hypnosis to access your subconscious is that is done in a concentrated and focused way, with a purpose in mind, and therefore suggestions for positive changes become more powerful.

Many of my clients are looking for what we call Motivational Hypnosis. Feeling better, more optimistic. Feeling healthier, happier and have a more successful life. Hypnosis is very powerful in these cases.


Olivier Hidalgo