S.M.A.R.T. Your Goals For The New Year.

S.M.A.R.T. stands for

Specific … when setting goals you must be as specific as possible.

Measure … establish a way of measuring that you are in the right path and/or how do you measure the success of reaching your goal.

Attainable … it is great to dream big, but at the same time you must be sure is something that you can attain and it is within your possibilities. You have to analyze your skills, abilities and financial capacity.

Realistic … now this is a tricky part as all the great accomplishments have been done for someone that made a goal of doing or creating something that what not considered realistic by others. The key here is that you are the only one that can determinate what is realist for you or how high you want to reach. It is important that is high enough to keep you motivated to do what is necessary to accomplish it.

Timely … set a time, a date.

Goals are up to you. You are the creator, you are the one taking action. I always say “Thoughts set your emotions. Your emotions create your actions. Your actions create your future”.

Start today. Write down your goals. Many believe that is better if you write them down by hand and you make sure they are in a positive language.

If you need advice, look for advice from someone who has done what you plan to do, or a Doctor, a Counsellor, or a Consulting Hypnotism (like me … sorry for the advertising). It is important that you look for expert advice. Do not believe everything you see in commercials or Facebook.

For example if you want to lose weight. First consult with your Doctor. Then make a goal of losing weight in a safe manner. Then look for weight management that is safe for you. If someone tells that you can lose 25 pounds in a couple of weeks, check with your Doctor if that’s safe for you … most probable your Doctor will say “no” … most experts believe loosing weight should be around 2 to 3 pounds for week.

Your Goals For 2016
Your Goals For 2016

More info? Feel free to call me at 519-495-6405.
Olivier Hidalgo