Want to change something in your life?

Want to change something in your life?

When you want to change something in your life it is important to understand how the subconscious works.

– The subconscious does not understand negatives, only phrases in positive

If you say “I do not want to smoke” the subconscious understands “I want to smoke.”

That’s why it’s important that when you make statements when meditating, when you pray … do not use negative phrases.

If I tell you right now … “Do not think of the color red,” I assure you that the first thing that came to your mind was the colour red.

The subconscious does not distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. That’s why athletes and successful people use a lot of visualization, it is simply seeing in your mind what you want to do, as if you were actually doing it.

If you want to quit smoking for example, begin to be mentally see yourself as someone “who used to smoked before … but is now free of the urge to smoke.”

“Faith moves mountains” Jesus said .. “As you think it’s done.” If you read the Bible, I assure you that in all the healings that Jesus did, his “condition”  was, Do you have faith? Do you believe? He never healed anyone unless the person said “Yes, I believe.”

The same idea works for you. If you want to change something in your life, regardless of religion or belief, must believe, you must have faith that the change can be done. Faith is not a religious idea, it’s the way your subconscious works, if you have faith and believe, the possibilities for change are greater.

For example, if you are one of those who always say “I’ll never change,” guess what ?, You are right, you will never change.

If you are one of those who say “just seeing a cookie, I get fat,” you are telling your subconscious and your body … when you see a cookie gain weight.

Want to change something in your life?

– Talk positively.
– Begin to look and act as if you have already made the change.
– Have faith, and believe that the change is made.

If you are religious you can use phrases like “If it pleases to God, is done.”

If you believe in the cosmic universe, you might say … “If it pleases to the Universe is done.”

You have an amazing day!

Olivier Hidalgo,
NLP Hypnosis Centre

Note.  These suggestions are not a substitute for any medical treatment you are receiving. They are aids. If in doubt, consult your doctor first.