NLP Hypnosis Centre
Hypnosis Sessions, Hypnosis Training, Conversational Hypnosis, Mindfulness Meditation, NLP and Reiki.
Ho’oponopono, the art of forgiveness, thankfulness, love and inner peace.
Olivier Hidalgo, NGH CI, BCH.
Certified Hypnosis Instructor, NGH Board Certified. Conversational Hypnosis, NLP, Mindfulness Meditation and Reiki.
Consulting Hypnotist. Ericksonian Hypnosis. NLP Master Practitioner. Reiki Master.
Mindfulness Master Practitioner.
Certified Advanced Ho’oponopono Practitioner.
Member in Good Standing of NGH, NLP Global Standards and Sociedad Internacional de Hipnosis(SIHC).
Call 519-
Office: 151B York Street, London, Ontario. Canada. 519-
Hypnosis Services, Hypnosis Training, Hypnosis Certification, also available online.
At NLP Hypnosis Centre we follow Ontario’s regulations.
Our courses, certification, and services are available online, or private, one-
At our office or your home.
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Photos by and Roman Hidalgo
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© 2023 NLP Hypnosis Centre. Mind Power Techniques for self-
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Pleasantly I feel that the session was very useful. He showed me that with the mental change can more easily handle difficulties.
Healthier – Happier
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Learn Total Relaxation And Visualization.
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Learn About Meditation And Hypnosis.
We Are Bilingual: English And Spanish.
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Consultation Here
Olivier Hidalgo, helps clients:
Free Confidential Consultation
Confidential Free Consultation Form Here
Free And Confidential
Consultation Session.
Free Consultation by phone or Skype/FaceTime.
In this session we explain you the techniques and tools we use. What we can do and what we cannot do, and who we are.
This free consultation session takes between 15-
Free of charge. No compromises.
Form For Requesting FREE and Confidential Consultation Session
“Fascinating powerful and very helpful. Highly recommended. Olivier is great.” Benjamin. London, Ontario, Canada.
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“The power of subconscious mind was interesting. I feel much more in control.”
“Improved Self-
In our professional office. Comfortable, private, safe and easy to access.
Our office is located at 151B York Street, London, Ontario Canada.
We also do house calls and can visit you at your home, business or office.
Some services are also available online.
Services in English and Spanish – Servicios en Inglés y Español.
Hypnosis, Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness-
Services for individuals, groups, families and business.
A Consulting Hypnotist is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. Members of NGH must follow the Code of Ethics and provide the client with “Client Bill of Rights”, which is a document that truthfully discloses to the client what we do as hypnotists and what we do not do. It also truthfully states the practitioner’s training.
The vision of the National Guild of Hypnotists is “A time when a visit to a Consulting Hypnotist is a common as a visit to any health care practitioner.”
A Consulting Hypnotists is a Professional of Hypnosis. He/She is a person that has studied and is certified in Hypnosis but it is not a health care professional. A Consulting Hypnotist practice is regulated by the laws and regulation of the City, Province, State and/or Country where he/she lives.
If the problem is a medical issue, a Consulting Hypnotist must always refer back the client to a Doctor or Health Care Professional. Many times Consulting Hypnotists work as team with the Doctor to help the client.
Consulting Hypnotism is motivational coaching by means of hypnotism and it is not considered health care. Therefore, health insurance does not normally cover hypnotism.
The official description of Consulting Hypnotism approved by the National Guild of Hypnotists is “Consulting Hypnotists help ordinary, everyday people with ordinary, everyday problems using individual hypnotic techniques.”
Most authorities agree that all hypnosis is self-
The National Guild of Hypnotists encourages all members to use hypnosis as the state the client is when he or she has been hypnotized by a hypnotist practicing hypnotism.
Consulting Hypnotists hold sessions at which they induct a client into a Self-
Suggestion is the artful use of imagination to increase client’s enthusiasm for self-
Regression as used by a Consulting Hypnotist is a review of significant or remarkable events by the client with the Hypnotist serving as a Guide.
A Consulting Hypnotist can help clients:
Is the communication with another person's subconscious without informing the person that she/he is being hypnotized.
Covert Hypnosis is also known as Conversational Hypnosis.
One interesting point to debate is the fact that in Hypnosis we always want the person to be aware that he/she is being hypnotized. We want the person to says “yes, I want to be hypnotized”, “yes I want to be hypnotize by you”. In Conversational hypnosis the person is not aware that he/she is being hypnotized.
Covert Hypnosis – Conversational Hypnosis – get the agreement to be hypnotized in a very subtle way ... in a covert way, using a very specif structure of language that “talks directly” to the subconscious mind. The key is to gain rapport.
Covert Hypnosis is very similar to Indirect Hypnosis as used by Dr. Milton H. Erickson.
Brain Oscillations, Hypnosis, and Hypnotizability.
Mark P. Jensen, Tomonori Adachi, and Shahin Hakimian,
“The knowledge gained from this research has had a tremendous impact on the field, both by helping to validate the effects of hypnosis as being “real” (i.e., as having reliable effects on objective measures of brain activity and function) and by increasing our understanding of the biological mechanisms of hypnosis.