Control Mental? Manipulation?

A client asked me if I believe that we were being mentally controlled or manipulated by large corporations or governments.

First we must differentiate between mind control, brainwashing, manipulation and / or suggestion. Not to do this too long I will only mention that brainwashing and mind control are possible but rare.
On the other hand manipulation and suggestion they are more common we see them in commercials, in political and religious leaders.

The suggestion we see it more from Doctors, Psychologists and Hypnotists.
For example when you want to change a negative habit or want to have more motivation in your life a hypnotist can, with your consent, access your subconscious and make positive suggestions. But the key is that you must take the first step and really want to change.
On the other hand a religion or a political leader or a business can manipulate you into believe that their product is the best or the only one.
For example, there is one Bible but there are many Christian denominations each interpreting the Bible in their own way .. I’m not going to tell you who I think is right or wrong, just think … one Bible, many Christian religions each one saying They are the only representatives of God.
In similar way it happens with big corporations and political leaders when we get manipulated to believe that their product or idea is the best or the only one to follow.
Something fascinating is that sometimes people who are being manipulated, do not accept it or do not even see it. I remember for example, a religious group that has dates of doomsday and as the end of the world has not happened they have managed to convince their followers that the end did not happened because God forgave the world thanks to their prayers.
We have such great criminals in the political world as Hitler who have manipulated his followers to make them believe in an idea, regardless of the consequences.
What can we do to not be so easily manipulated?
First educate ourselves and learn. Having an open mind. Evaluate the information we receive. Do not believe blindly. Analize.
For a long time religion called demonic possession to what we now know are mental illnesses.
As a teenager I remember that many scientists scoffed at the possibility that there was going to be a cellular phone like the ones now commonplace.
Cigarette companies manipulate us into believing that smoking was good, powerful, sexy or very attractive. We now know how it kills us. How harmful it is, we now know that there is nothing attractive or sexy or powerful about smoking
For a long time many people didn’t go to a psychologist because only fools needed them. Now we know they can help us all.
Many years ago hypnosis and meditation were considered false. We now have scientific proof that they work. For example there are experiments where you can see which areas of the brain are activated during hypnosis.
If you observe, learn, analyze then you will be manipulated less.
When I hypnotize a client, I always tell them … do not believe me, but keep an open mind and analyze the changes. If you then leave my office feeling positive and beneficial changes for you … then hypnosis worked for you.
Hypnosis works, but not based on mind control or manipulation, but in the ability to access your subconscious and make positive and permanent changes.
Manipulation will be always around us. Unless you decide to live totally isolated from the world.
The important thing is to analyze.
For example I believe in hypnotism because I have seen its positive effects, but I know it is not a magic wand not a cure-all.
I have my own way of spirituality, my relationship with God, but I know it is my belief, not necessarily the only way of relating to God or the only truth.
Some people believe I’m not very humble … but I’ve learned that my truth is not necessarily that of my neighbor Emoticón smile
Your views and comments are welcome.